Eagle Process
Congratulation on reaching this milestone! You have come so far, and the highest rank of Scouting is within your reach. Please take some time to realize how far you have come - Ok that's it - Now is the time for you to give it your all!
By reaching this point in your scouting career, you have shown that you have the characteristics of a leader and the skills needed to complete the Eagle Rank.
As you know, the ranks before required you doing the work, and this rank is no exception. It is Expected that you will do the work required to complete the Eagle Rank - This is not your parents' or troop's project - This project is Yours. You should choose the project, complete your proposal and project plans, schedule your time and the time needed for the project, and close out your project. This will be one of the more detailed and complex projects that you have undertaken up to this time in your life. The skills you learn will help you as your life progresses.
While the Eagle Scout Project is yours and yours alone, there are some requirements that we have as a troop that you must do:
You must have completed at least the 21 merit badges required for Eagle Rank
You must verify with the Troop Advancement Committee that the dates for your Ranks (as they appear on your Rank Cards) and the Dates on your Merit Badge Blue Cards match. Also verify that all the Merit Badges that you have taken have been recorded.
As a Star or Life Scout, Troop 160 requires that you attend the EAGLE Proposals and Applications for Scouts meeting when held at Pouch Camp - It is normally given once per scouting year. Make sure that you attend the first one that you are eligible for, as there have been years when it was skipped. - This is not an automatic excuse for not attending - you will need to discuss with your Eagle Mentor. Bring your notes from this meeting at Pouch to your meeting with your Eagle Mentor, when discussing your project.
You must follow the steps and directions in the Eagle Scout Project Workbook
It will also be beneficial for you to review the Staten Island Eagle Advancement website at www.SIAdvancement.org . Please follow their directions as these are the people that will be approving your project.
Key Notes:
Please follow the directions in the Eagle Scout Project Workbook
Please follow the directions in the Staten Island Advancement Preparations Guidelines document.
Make sure that you have filled in all information and have all signatures.
Save your Document often to prevent data loss. This document is for you (The Form That is fill-able). When Emailing the forms to the Troop email address (and for the SI Advancement Committee) you must create a NEW PDF file - This can be done in Windows by Printing to PDF - if this is not done, your file will be too big for email - Name this file as follows: Scout’s last name T###, where ### is your troop number. For example, Derek Smith in Troop 160 would be SmithT160. The pdf suffix should be added automatically by the printer driver.
If any of this information is REDUNDANT, it must be IMPORTANT
Information for Project Beneficiaries can be found at https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/510-025.pdf
Once your project is complete and you have completed your workbook and received all you signatures, you will need to submit an Eagle Application. Procedures can be found on the next page. You should also check the SI Advancement Website for any updated changes.