Quarantine Procedures
(Covid-19 - 2020)

These procedures are for the period of the Scout Year in Quarantine. After your last meeting of the year (week of 6/22), you will need to wait until we start back up in September.


For Any Video Meeting

    • You must use Identifiable Names. You can use First Names - You do not need to use last names (your choice) - If 2 of you have the same first name, you can add the first initial of your last name - If this is not done, you will be considered not in attendance.

    • Video cameras must be enabled and You must be on screen.

    • No playing around with backgrounds during meetings. No motion backgrounds.

    • Use headsets, earbuds, Airpods, etc, so we can clearly hear you, and to eliminate unwanted background noise being transmitted.

On-line Patrol/Troop Meetings

    • You are expected to be participating as if it was a regular meeting - the 66% participation rule still applies

    • Video cameras must be enabled and You must be on screen.

    • Weekly requirements are expected to be completed or in progress

    • Rank Requirement pages are expected to be emailed to the Troop email address after your assigned meeting.

      • The Subject of the Email should be: SCOUT's LAST NAME, First Initial - Date - Rank working on

        • For example - John Jones is working on 2nd Class.

        • The Subject should be: Jones, J. - 4/12/20 - 2nd Class

      • The email should include CLEAR pictures of the Rank Requirements Page(s), so we can verify the date and signatures

Request for Scoutmaster's Conference

    1. You must make sure that you have the proper attendance to request a conference - remember you need to at least 66% participation.

    2. You must make sure that your rank requirements are signed off

    3. You must send a message from your parent's email to request for a scoutmaster's conference - you must include:

      • Subject: Scout Last Name, First Initial - Scoutmaster Conference Request - Rank attempting to Earn

      • For example - John Jones wants a SM Conference for 2nd Class

      • The Subject should be: Jones, J. - Scoutmaster Conference Request - 2nd Class

      • The email should include CLEAR pictures of the Rank Requirements Page(s), so we can verify the date and signatures

    1. The Leaders will determine if everything is in order

      • If everything is proper, a meeting will be scheduled and a reply will be sent back to your parent's email address

      • If there is an issue, a response will be sent via email

    2. You are Expected to Participate in the Scoutmaster's Conference as if it was in person - YOUR CAMERA MUST BE ON

      • Full Uniform

      • Proper Greeting and Presentation

      • Any supplies that you may need (i.e. Rope / Compass / Map / etc.)

      • Be prepared to be asked any questions related to the Rank you are looking to earn and anything from previous ranks

    3. If you

      • Successfully presented your knowledge of Rank Mastery

        • You must mail your result to the Troop Email to request a Board of Review (see below)

      • Require more work on your Rank

        • Study your Rank requirements and other situations that you that you believe need more work

        • Once you believe that you are ready, start the process again from Step 3, this time adding to the Subject - Try #

            • i.e. The Subject should be: Jones, J. - Scoutmaster Conference Request - 2nd Class - Try 2

Request for Board of Review

  1. After successful completion of your Scoutmaster's Conference, you will send a message from your parent's email address to the Troop address requesting a Board of Review - you must include:

    • Subject: Scout Last Name, First Initial – Board of Review Request - Rank attempting to Earn

      • For example - John Jones wants a BOR for 2nd Class

      • The Subject should be: Jones, J. - Board of Review Request - 2nd Class

  2. The Committee will determine if everything is in order

    • If everything is proper, a meeting will be scheduled and a reply will be sent back to your parent's email address

    • If there is an issue, a response will be sent via email

  3. You are Expected to Participate in the BOR as if it was in person - YOUR CAMERA MUST BE ON

    • Full Uniform

    • Proper Greeting and Presentation

    • Any supplies that you may need (i.e. Rope / Compass / Map / etc.)

    • Be prepared to be asked any questions related to the Rank you are looking to earn and anything from previous ranks

  4. If you

    • Successfully presented your knowledge of Rank Mastery

      • The Committee will email your result to the Scoutmaster

    • Require more work on your Rank

      • Study your Rank requirements and other situations that you that you believe need more work

      • Once you believe that you are ready, start the process again from Step 3, this time adding to the Subject - Try #

        • i.e. The Subject should be: Jones, J. - Board of Review Request - 2nd Class - Try 2

Request for Merit Badges

  1. You must Request to take a Merit Badge during your prescribed weekly meeting.

  2. Once the Leader approves the Merit Badge, he will forward the request to the committee

  3. The Troop email address will send to your parent's email a list of Merit Badge Counselors for the Merit Badge

  4. You must contact the Merit Badge Counselor (not your parents, though they should be near you when you call).

  5. When making plans with the Merit Badge Counselor, let them know that our Scoutmaster will send them the Blue Card in the mail.

  6. You will need to get the Merit Badge Counselor's mailing information and forward to the troop.

  7. Work with the Merit Badge Counselor on the badge.

  8. Once the Merit Badge is complete, request that the Counselor sign the Blue Card and Mail it back to the Scoutmaster.

Contacting Leaders

Outside of meetings, if scouts need to get in contact with the leaders, they must send an email from their parents address to the troop email address. Under no circumstances is a scout to call, txt, message, etc an individual leader's cell phone. If the scout has been authorized to communicate with the leaders, they must use the group id they have been supplied.
Any other communications will be Ignored - do not expect a response.

Policies are subject to change - Please watch website for updates.